What could be better than redlining in the middle of a peloton for a few hours and then digging deeper to sprint toward glory at the end of the day? But you can’t reach the top step of that podium without taking the first step–deciding to race on the road! If you’re thinking about getting into racing your bicycle, it will most likely be much more enjoyable if you go into it understanding a few basics before you simply hitch onto the closest back wheel. While I’ve written a blog post or two with some of my favorite tips for new racers, GCN has produced a series of videos that detail a variety of situations you might encounter during a road race.
Labeled “Racesmart,” GCN takes you through everything from how to launch a sprint, when to eat or drink, and how to race road bikes in a bunch. You can even start from the beginning with their video on how to get in to racing, but unless you’re in the UK, it won’t be of much help to you (if you’re curious where to start in the good ol’ USA, read my post “Top Bike Racing Tips – How You Can Join the Peloton“).
Aside from being a little Eurocentric, GCN’s Racesmart videos offer excellent advice from real life, former pro riders. These guys have actually ridden with those professional names you know and (maybe) love, so you can be sure that their advice is accurate. Although a few things differ on this side of the world, you’ll likely learn the way cyclists in your particular region handle certain road racing etiquette simply by finding a local group or club to ride with. What you’ll most likely find out is that road racing is exciting, adrenaline inducing, and highly (did I say highly?), highly addictive.
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