360 Degree Cycling Videos – You Control The View

27 April, 2016 Shane

Apparently, if you’re not cycling in 360 degrees, you’re not cycling. At least that’s what some random rider yelled as he passed me last week . . . right before he popped into a curb as he gestured to the circular camera on his helmet. It’s mean, but I laughed. […]

How Do Team Mechanics Wash and Lube Pro Bikes?

24 February, 2016 Bek

Imagine degreasing, washing, drying, lubing ten or more pro bicycles every single night. This after you’ve spent the majority of your day stuffed in the backseat of a sedan with racing wheels at your sides and on your lap while you follow the peloton. At times, you jump out of […]

How to Roll a Bike Tube

30 June, 2015 Bek

Nate: “I’ve been trying to get a couple of tubes into my flat kit, but I can’t seem to get the air out of them enough to get them small. How do I roll a bike tube properly?” This is an often overlooked topic. Plenty of cyclists think it’s a […]

Personal Gold – Why This Women’s Track Cycling Documentary Is A Must-See

5 May, 2015 Bek

Trailing the big dogs by five seconds and separated by millions in funding and sponsorships, the US Olympic Women’s Track Cycling team are clear underdogs from the outset of this documentary. Set against the 2012 disgrace, *cough* Armstrong *cough*, and rampant doping admissions that decimate the men’s road cycling field, Dotsie […]

Stuff Cyclists/Triathletes Say

24 March, 2013 Bek

It’s always best to laugh at the quirks and fashions of our beloved sports. These videos showcase just how awesome it is to be a cyclist or triathlete. http://youtu.be/GMCkuqL9IcM    
