How To Warm Up For Your Next Cyclocross Race

21 November, 2017 Curt Denham

I suppose “warming up” for a cyclocross race is an oxymoron huh? Oxymoron it may be, but it is important if you want to get the most out of your racing ability. Now, I’m not going to throw a bunch of statistics and research at you. I am of the […]

SLO Cyclist Goes Cyclocross – New Section Launch

28 August, 2015 Shane

Sea Otter, 2015. April and unseasonably warm. The cyclocross track cut straight through the pavilion with manufacturer’s tents and flags skirting the boundaries. I stood at the base of a ramp preceded by an s-curve that most riders completed by skidding to the dirt. There was so much blood. So […]
