Strava Brings Live Segments to iOS and Android Phones

Strava brings iPhone and Android users real-time KOM and QOMs

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strava live segments

strava live segmentsFeeling bitter about not owning the latest and greatest Garmin replete with all the Strava bells? Well the peeps at Strava  have heard your groans. Now, they’re bringing Live Segments to mobile devices.

“Last July, we launched Live Segments for Garmin cycling computers and saw that athletes really enjoyed the feature. We wanted to extend that positive experience to the millions of athletes who use their phone for riding and running,” says Aaron Forth, Chief Product Officer at Strava.

Known as the social media platform for cyclists, Strava is expanding access to live competition via their latest Premium feature. Live Segments offers real-time audio cues and visuals of your current effort on a segment, your personal record and the person who is at the top of the leaderboard–so you know exactly who you must dethrone whilst in the heat of competition.

Strava Live Segments provides a variety of visual components, allowing you to view your second-by-second performance during starred segments and popular local segments. Audio cues enable you to hear your progress on a segment, so you can focus on the road ahead.

How Live Segments Work

strava live segmentsTo use Strava Live Segments, simply begin by recording a ride or run. As you approach a starred segment or a popular segment, the screen automatically changes to Live Segments mode. You’ll see a map of the upcoming segment including a notification bar with segment name and start location. As you get closer to the start of the segment, the notification bar turns from black to orange. Once the segment starts, assuming you’re a Premium member, you can see your current effort in the center of the screen, personal record on the left and the KOM, QOM or CR on the right. Color coding makes it easy to view progress and effort during a segment. Upon completing, the screen summarizes your results and then returns to the athlete’s live stats.

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You can also check out the video below for a quick visual:

Strava Live Segments is available now for Android and iOS users. For more information on Strava, visit


About Bek 301 Articles
SLO Cyclist's former chief editor and recovering road snob, Bek made sure everything ran smoothly around here. She was also the one who reminded us not to take ourselves too seriously--unless it involves black socks. Black socks are always serious.

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