You may have heard about new technology recently developed by the German company Gebio Mized that allows bike fitters to measure pressure points along your saddle. Basically, it’s a much higher-tech version of Specialized’s “butt-o-meter” that measured the distance between your sit bones, but this scanner offers professional fitters with a digitized version of your contact with the saddle. This shows fitters where you may be experiencing discomfort, and allows them to get you into a saddle that will relieve painful, high pressure points.
Find a Fitter: If you’ve been on the search for a comfortable saddle with no luck and are simply suffering through painful rides, you might seek out a fitter who has access to this pressure-measuring machine at GebioMized.de. Although these fits aren’t for everyone, if you are a serious cyclist who feels like you would benefit from this measurement, check the list for a fitter near you–there are three in California alone!
The following video gives you a good idea of how the technology works:
Custom Saddles: Perhaps the coolest service that Gebio Mized offers, however, uses your personalized pressure pattern to build you a custom saddle. Yes, a saddle created to fit you exactly. Although this may be out of reach for many riders, chronic sufferers may find it worth the cost. You even have options that range from cushier recreational to sleek, racing saddles. Plus, they’re hand-made in Germany. If you can afford it, or you really need a solid solution to pain, consider visiting a professional fitter. Take a look at Gebiomized.de for all their custom saddle options.
Sit Right: If you’re experiencing this type of discomfort, and you’re considering getting a custom saddle, make sure to check your positioning on the bike first! Some problems will transfer between saddles because you simply aren’t maintaining a proper position on the bike. While a professional fit will help with this as well–so you can kill two birds with that stone–you may also be sitting on the saddle incorrectly. View my blog post on proper riding form to make sure your problem isn’t from an arched back or rolled hips.
Hey Mr. SLO cyclist,
Thanks for your compliments on our pressure mapping tech. We are glad to help fitters reaching a new level of fitting services! Just a short note: here is the link to our english site about the range of customized saddles: http://gebiomized.de/produkte/sattel/sattelmodelle?lang=en
Best Regards from Germany
Team gebiomized
Thanks very much, Daniel! I couldn’t seem to get to the English version on my own. Keep up the good work!
Do you have any seats that relieve the pressure on the prostate? My husband is 68 and having surgery for bladder cancer. He rides over 5000 mi per year and his bicycle seat needs have definitely changed. Is there anything out there to relieve that pressure?
Hello Ilse! Sorry for my delayed response. While I am definitely not a doctor, and this information is not meant to stand in for a doctor’s advice, you might consider some saddles like the Selle Superflow: http://amzn.to/2nvSSzz or the SMP http://amzn.to/2mRbzdR offer a greater relief of pressure. Since he rides regularly, he likely wouldn’t benefit much from the more extreme saddles out there that remove the nose all together. The saddles I mentioned would hopefully be good for pressure relief, but he’ll likely have to try them to see what he likes. Let me know what you end up with! Best wishes to your husband–hope the surgery goes well.