You’re busy riding. I know that. Which is why I don’t often break in and write a direct note from the editor, but so much has gone on behind the scenes here lately that I’d like to give you an update. Because you’re awesome, and you deserve it.
New Servers
First off, we just completed a full move over to a brand new, speedier server that can handle higher traffic numbers. Unfortunately, that meant a two-week period where we weren’t able to update, and we lost a few articles. We’re working on restoring that content, so we apologize if you receive a double helping of articles. It should only happen once.
Of course, in migrating to a new site host, we also dealt with things like broken RSS Feeds (it rolled back to early 2015). So we put the effort into streamlining and updating our site design and, hopefully, making our content easier to read.
We’re hard at work to get everything back to normal and cool again, but be sure to send a message if you’re experiencing any strange issues with your email subscription, article content, or whatever. We’re on it.
New Writers
We were stoked to receive an overwhelming response to our call for contributing writers! We’re currently sifting through the emails and contacting folks. A huge thanks to everyone who applied–we’re excited for the opportunity to expand. Of course, if you’re interested in contributing to SLO Cyclist, it’s not too late to apply.
New Content
We’ve got some seriously cool things planned. Although I can’t really give out too many details pre-launch, let me just say my favorite part involves The Tour de France and being not-serious. We’re also expanding our how-to section with some cool new twists, building weekly gear and tech releases, and incorporating a weekly product review schedule. Basically we’re looking to offer a well-rounded assortment of content for every cyclist.
That’s It
Maybe you wanted to know all that and maybe you didn’t. Either way, thanks for reading, and here’s hoping you enjoy the new SLO Cyclist.
-Bek (Editor-In-Chief)
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