The Wright Brothers did more than fly…The Van Cleve Bicycle.
Bicycles of the 1890’s had different size wheels, known as ‘high-wheelers’. With the manufacture of the “Safety bicycle” it quickly super-ceded the dangerous high wheeler. The high wheelers were faster but much harder to ride. This “Van Cleve bicycle” was easier than walking, more convenient than horse and buggy and provided mobility. This opened new means of freedom which we still enjoy today. The 1890’s saw many small bicycle manufacturers taking advantage of the new boom. Looks to me like a resurgence is taking place.
Today we are still looking for greater mobility and freedom. The automobile is unsurpassed for distance, speed and comfort. But it lacks something we long for. Really looking at your surroundings, catching the things missed in a speeding car. Are there lessons from the past to re-learn? Post a comment, let’s hear your thoughts and ride stories.
For more about the Wright Brothers bicycle shop and production – “https://www.thehenryford.org/collections-and-research/digital-collections/card/104955″ width=”290″ height=”430″ frameborder=”0″ style=”border:0;”></iframe>
Wilbur and Orville Wright went on to make their famous contributions with flight, but it literally was the bicycle that got them off the ground (excuse the pun). Today we have “Smart Bikes” filled with technology to make your rides physically profitable and enjoyable. Electronic gears are making strides in performance. New frame material make bikes stronger and lighter, so they’re faster and easily handled. Consider reading Alter Cycles’ Road Bike Offers Comfort & Gravel Grinding – Route 400 Review . Gravel bikes are making a big impact also. The aerodynamic designs now available in all types of bikes work for comfort, speed and strength.
The Van Cleve Bicycle was innovative because of the same size wheels. Today wheels meet a variety of needs and environment. Look at: Is This The Future Of Hub Design? – Rotor Releases RVOLVER and also: One Wheel for All Roads? Reynolds Has That & Aero Too – Interbike 2016. Wider tires with various tread patterns for road bikes are available for greater versatility. With new wheels and hubs available, we’re seeing interchangeable wheels for the terrain. This becomes a problem with brake systems. New designs are moving away from caliber brakes so one bike can fit all types of rides. Disc brakes are growing in popularity and many believe we’ll see them used in races all over. The Wright Brothers never saw what great uses were coming for their new style of bicycle.
Powermeters are available in all price ranges. Look at: 4iiii and Specialized Release S-Works Power Cranks, Claimed Lightest and Most Accurate Power Meter Available and The PowerPod Review – A Cheap Power Meter That Performs. Indoor trainers are growing in popularity. For more: 5 ACCESSORIES, APPS, AND TIPS THAT WILL MAKE YOU STOP HATING INDOOR TRAINER RIDES, We’ll keep you posted on what’s new and worth your consideration.
This bike looks great. Thhis creative idea is really interesting.