What Are Tubeless Road Tires?

13 January, 2015 Bek

Ryan: “I was riding with my buddy, and he said he doesn’t use tubes in his wheels. So what the heck is a tubeless tire, and why doesn’t he need tubes?” Great question, Ryan. Lately, there’s been plenty of debate on the pros and cons of tubeless tires. But I’ll […]

Climbing with Angina – No Stupid Questions

20 November, 2014 Bek

Jimmer: “I have stable angina. Can I still cycle up steep hills?” Hey Jimmer! I’m really glad you asked this question because it seems that many people are too afraid to even try engaging in physical activity when they have a condition that may prevent them from doing so. Fear […]

What is Cycling Cadence? – There Are No Stupid Questions

17 November, 2014 Bek

Jack: I’m a new rider, and I had a friend tell me that I’m not at a good cadence. What does that mean? Great question, Jack. Here’s a small mystery for new riders, and one that brings up plenty of opinions from experienced riders. If you see some blindingly-patterned lycra […]

Ask Alpha Ninja – Cycling Questions Submissions

10 November, 2014 Alpha Ninja

Heck, there’s a lot to know about this sport! Tire widths, standard versus compact, seat post setbacks, and the all-important question that everyone asks at some point: what do I wear under my bib shorts? In the interest of combatting the snobbery in our sport and creating a safe space […]

5 Things That Suck about Triathlon

9 October, 2014 Bek

If you’ve made the jump into the triathlon waters, you’ll probably start to notice a few things that suck about triathlon. Coming from a cycling background, I find triathlon to be both fun and horrible. What are those little (or big) things that just irritate you? Here’s my list. 1. […]

5 Reasons Why Women Are Natural Cyclists

4 September, 2014 Bek

A few weeks ago, I came across a painting: “Summer Cycling” by Peter Szumowski. It immediately resonated with me. The long-skirted woman standing by her bicycle gazes past the country house in the distance and up toward a hot air balloon. The obvious connections with the history of the bicycle and […]

5 Reasons to Support Your Local Bike Shop

18 August, 2014 Bek

1. Your coolness factor doubles when you’re friends with a bike shop employee. It’s science. 2. Making friends at your LBS also leads to excellent advice and, you guessed it, discounts. And aren’t all we roadies prone to loving a good discount? 3. They’re honest with you about repairs–especially when […]

The Best Bike Shops in San Luis Obispo County

12 August, 2014 Bek

Need a brand new helmet? Don’t need a brand new helmet, but want to feel more awesome? Go get a brand new helmet! Or bar tape, or kit, or saddle, or . . . OK you get the idea. I started this blog to chronicle cycling and triathlon-ing around San […]

The 5 Stupidest Ways to Drop Weight on a Road Bike

29 July, 2014 Bek

So you’ve got extra grams on your bike. Minute particles of weight that are absolutely unnecessary *cough* to drag over that next mountain with you. But what are these magic parts that, if tossed in the garbage can, would immediately help you in your pursuit of faster? Whether or not you […]

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